We will help you find
in everything that you do!​​

Kimberly Y. McCrae, B.A., M.Div
Self-Care Coach/Dream Developer/Chief People Activator
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Helping you find YOU in everything that you do!

Don't just do it... design the 'it' you are doing!
Kimberly McCrae
Press Towards Freedom Transformational Life Services was designed to meet those people who are at that moment of decision about their 'more' and assisting them in moving forward with their vision in order to make their 'more' manifest. I believe that, with the proper coaching and beneficial insight, the gifts we carry inherently, when effectively nurtured, can catapult us into our 'more', into fulfillment and into our most amazing authentic self.
Everyone has a gift. We each come into this world with significant skills, dreams, passions and abilities that accompany us into our careers, our friendships and our everyday lives. There comes a point where some people decide that there is more...more that we can do...more that we should be producing...more that we can be reaping...more that we were put here to be than who we've found ourselves being and often more than what those around us have assumed us capable of being.
The world has room for your 'more'...your greatness. It is possible that the only thing standing between you and your greatness is one meeting, one phone call, one moment. One meeting could move you from your comfortable now to your incredible tomorrow. You could be one thought away from the biggest breakthrough of your life. I am confident that there is a greatness in you that is simply waiting to be nurtured into its fullest fruition. A seed in which is housed your most fulfilling tomorrow. That seed is the YOU for which you have been searching. Let Press Towards Freedom help you find YOU in everything that you do!

About Kim

"I am an innovator and creative individual. All of my life I've had to create original ways of survival, design my own pathway to success and use my innovative spirit to create opportunities that were otherwise not available. As a single mom, I've had to be creative in order to propel my family towards a tomorrow that often, statistically, predicted our failure. Our ability to continue thriving, in the face of some of the most adverse situations, is dependent on our ability to tap into our gifts and manifest our greatness in some of the most trying moments. I'm designing a today that will complement the tomorrow I desire to have." Kimberly McCrae
Kim has mentored graduate students through the successful completion of thesis projects; currently serves as an academic advisor for students from K-Graduate Studies; has served as an adviser and consultant to several now successful independent businesses while in their start-up phase; has provided consulting and entertainment management for nationally acclaimed spoken word artists; has been the consultant and editor to aspiring authors to the completion and publishing of their books; designs and facilitates workshops unapologetically centering the lives and voices of marginalized communities, with a focus on Black women. She considers her own journey to success to be her Press Towards Freedom and extends the offer for you to join her!
As a Dream Developer,

My Philosophy

Life consists of a series of moments. At any point, one of these moments, with vision and creativity, can turn into a full-fledged movement. We each have, within us, the ability to grow beyond the moment in which we are walking and enter the flow of a movement towards our full and authentic being. You are enough. Your dreams are enough. Our energy is enough to design the tomorrow that will help you see YOU in everything you do!
I DO NOT design your dream
I am a firm believer that people should be self-defining. I will work collaboratively with you to develop the dream that you have decided best defines who you are.
I WILL NOT discredit your dream
I will meet you where you are in your dream design process.
I WILL NOT promise you miracles
I will promise that, if you utilize the tools with which you are equipped, you will see positive changes in the life you are designing.
I DO NOT require that we agree
Your truths are the information we are using, upon which we will collaboratively build the tomorrow you desire. I will not impose my ideas upon your truth. I will use my perceptions/insights to help enhance your truth. Together, we will move you from moment to moment into the movement of a fulfilling life.